Donate To Our Project

Donate to the Fort William Bike Shed

Our Bike Shed Project is based on social enterprise principles, and all money made from the project goes straight back in.

If you have used one our services and you would like to support our work continuing, we would greatly appreciate a donation.

You can also support us by volunteering your time if you have any spare.

Our ‘Why’

All our work is to help people who face barriers to cycling to overcome them.

We do this by :

  • Refurbishing bicycles and selling them at affordable prices or for free on referral from our partners. 
  • Helping to adapt bikes to suit individuals needs. 
  • Providing training and support to help people to ride and carry out their own maintenance and repairs. 
  • Running a lending library of tools, bikes and cycle accessories that people can borrow so they don’t have to buy their own or can ‘try before they buy’.
  • Supporting schools, workplaces, partners and community groups to reach their active travel goals.
  • Advocating for cyclists on local groups and in consultations. 

Thank you to all who have supported us